Office of the Philippine Defense and Armed Forces Attaché


In the absence of bilateral security agreement between Japan and the Republic of the Philippines, the primary concern of the Office of the Philippine Defense and Armed Forces Attache (OPhilDAFA), Japan is focused mainly on activities enhancing relationship between the two countries’ defense and armed forces.


The Philippine Defense and Armed Forces Attache (PhilDAFA), Japan, assigned at the Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines in Japan, is the senior representative of the Chief of Staff, AFP and of the Secretary of National Defense. He is primarily tasked to do all liaising activities and coordination with the different offices and departments of the Japan Defense Agency (JDA) and the Japanese Self-Defense Forces (JSDF). The PhilDAFA is also the point of contact between the two countries’ other defense- and security-related agencies, such as the Japan National Police Agency (NPA), the Public Security Investigation Agency (PSIA) — the counterpart of the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), and the Cabinet Intelligence and Research Office (CIRO) — the counterpart of the National Intelligence and Coordinating Agency (NICA).


Contact Information:

Address Office of the Philippine Defense & Armed Forces Attaché
5-15-5 Roppongi Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8537
Telefax (03) 5562-1596
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.