Repatriation of Remains of a Filipino National



  1. Duly accomplished Report of Death Form ( Report of Death form )
  2. Certified True Copy of the Report of Death / Post-Mortem Certificate (Shibo-todoke / Shibo-shindansho) issued by the City Hall or Ward Office.
  3. Passport of the Deceased Person. If the passport is not available, PSA Birth Certificate and any valid ID. Seafarer’s Identification Book (If the deceased is a seaman)
  4. Funeral Parlor: The family of the deceased person or authorized representative will nominate a funeral parlor/agent to arrange the following documentation:
    1. Certificate of Preparation of the Remains
    2. Certificate of Non-Contagious Disease
    3. Affidavit of Embalming or Affidavit of Packaging of Remains in Dry Ice for International Transportation
    4. Consignee information (Name, Address, Phone number)
    5. Flight details (Air Waybill if available)
  5. Report of Death and Consular Mortuary Certificate to be issued by the Embassy after the submission of requirements 1 to 4.

Please contact our Assistance to Nationals unit at 03-5562-1600 ext. 133 for further inquiry.

FEES (See Schedule of Fees):
Report of Death
Consular Mortuary Certificate