Special Cases for Passport Application

Note: All Special Cases will be treated as NEW APPLICATIONS


  1. Confirmed Online Appointment (click here)
  2. Special Cases Application form (click here for special cases form)
  3. Accomplished Renewal Application Form (click here for application form)
  4. Affidavit of Loss (click here for affidavit form)
  5. Original and photocopy of Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) Authenticated Birth Certificate on Security Paper
    • Married Females (who are using their spouse’s last name) must also present Original and submit photocopy of PSA Authenticated Marriage Contract on Security Paper or Report of Marriage
    • Local Civil Registrar Copy is required if PSA Birth Certificate is not clear or cannot be read
  6. Photocopy of data page of latest passport (if applicable)
  7. Self-addressed ¥600 Letterpack
  8. Police Report in English (Original and photocopy) (can be applied for in the Embassy)
  9. Two (2) Valid IDs with photocopy (click here for a list of valid IDs)
  10. Payment of JPY ¥30,000 (including Penalty Fee)

Personal appearance and all the requirements will be required on the day scheduled for the applicant for processing of their application.

Additional 15 working days clearing period for Assumed Identity Cases.

Please email the Passport section at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the subject “Special Cases: Assumed Identity” for a pre-processing of the following requirements:

  1. Appointment through email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or submission of their documents at the Embassy for initial assessment
  2. Special Cases Application form (click here for special cases form)
  3. Accomplished Renewal Application Form (click here for application form)
  4. Affidavit of Explanation (click here for affidavit of explanation form)
  5. Personal Appearance
  6. Original and photocopy of Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) Authenticated Birth Certificate on Security Paper
    • Married Females (who are using their spouse’s last name) must also present Original and submit photocopy of PSA Authenticated Marriage Contract on Security Paper or Report of Marriage
    • Local Civil Registrar Copy is required if PSA Birth Certificate is not clear or cannot be read
  7. Photocopy of data page of latest passport (if applicable)
  8. Self-addressed ¥600 Letterpack
  9. Two (2) Valid IDs with photocopy (click here for a list of valid IDs)
  10. Payment of JPY ¥9,000

The client will be emailed on their schedule for personal appearance after clearance has been issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs – Office of Consular Affairs. Personal appearance and all the requirements will be required on the day scheduled for the applicant for processing of their application.


Note: If upon renewal, the passport of a client is distinctly damaged or mutilated, the below requirements will be enforced instead of the regular renewal application requirements.

  1. Appointment through email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  2. Special Cases Application form (click here for special cases form)
  3. Accomplished Renewal Application Form (click here for application form)
  4. Affidavit of Mutilation (click here for affidavit of mutilation)
  5. Personal Appearance
  6. Photocopy of data page of latest passport (if applicable)
  7. Self-addressed ¥600 Letterpack
  8. Payment of JPY ¥30,000 (including Penalty Fee)