Click here for the application procedures (Visa Application Process)
- Non-Immigrant Visa Requirements for Temporary Visitors to the Philippines / 9(A)
Basic Requirements
- Original passport and photocopy of its data page. The passport must be valid for at least six (6) months beyond the intended period of stay in the Philippines;
- Duly accomplished FA Form No.2
- Passport-size color photograph of the visa applicant, taken within the last 3 months (Note: Photo should be white or off-white background, neutral facial expression, no eyeglasses/accessories)
- Undertaking for Visa Applicant:
- Flight details;
- Self-addressed ¥600 Letterpack
For Chinese nationals applying for 9(A) visa
- Residence permit or proof of legal residence; and
- Chinese Social Insurance Record Certificate.
Temporary Visitor Coming For Pleasure
Applicants proceeding to the Philippines for a legitimate, non-immigrant purpose such as sightseeing, amusement, sports and recreation, health reasons, or to visit family and friends, should present the basic requirements together with the following additional supporting documents with English translation, if written in any other language:
- Proof of Financial Capacity
Applicant Type | Required Document |
With income/gainful employment | a. Bank book copy of latest entry of funds or Bank Certificate of Current savings |
Without income/gainful employment |
a. Letter of Guarantee from spouse or parents or other guarantor b. Copy of guarantor's valid ID bank book/bank certificate |
- Proof of Occupation in Japan
Applicant Type | Required Document |
If a student | a. Certificate of Enrollment issued by school authorities copy of alien card (if applicable) |
If employed | a. Certificate of Employment issued by employer, giving workplace name and address, nature of employment, financial remuneration of visa applicant copy of alien card* |
If self-employed | a. Certificate of Business Registration issued by Japanese government authorities copy of aliean card (if applicable) |
If retires/unemployed | a. Letter stating the fact that applicant is retired/unemployed copy of alien card (if applicable) |
- Proof of Living Accommodation Arrangements
- hotel reservation/email confirmation / certificate issued by visa applicant’s hotel of choice in the Philippines, as applicable.
- Notarized Letter of Support and Guarantee of inviting party/sponsor in the Philippines, if applicable, attesting to guarantee all financial expenses of the foreign visitor and his/her compliance with Philippine laws while in the Philippines. The letter should be addressed to the Consul General, Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines in Tokyo, Japan with complete contact details and a copy of the inviting person’s passport. If the inviting party is a foreigner based in the Philippines, the letter must include proof of legal status/visa in the Philippines.
Temporary Visitor Coming For Business
Foreign travelers coming to the Philippines for the purpose of attending international conferences, scientific, education, commercial, and/or professional workshops, conventions, lectures, contract negotiations, and other business meetings and company-related activities of similar nature, need to submit the basic requirements together with the following documents:
If being sent to the Philippines by Japan-based company/corporation:
- Letter of Endorsement from the Japan-based company/employer certifying the visa applicant’s employment with the company, the purpose of travel/nature of the business trip to the Philippines, flight details, and place of residence/hotel while in the Philippines (+ photocopy of alien card, if applicable).
If being invited by a Philippine-based company/corporation:
- Letter of Invitation from the Philippine-based business partner/entity/counterpart company. The letter should include the reference person(s) in the Philippines, flight details, and place of residence/hotel while in the Philippines, and guarantee the foreign visitor’s compliance with Philippine laws (+ photocopy of alien card, if applicable).
Visa applicants who cannot appear in person for the submission of their application must have the visa application form notarized by a Japanese notary public before it can be accepted by the Visa Unit. They may still be required to appear for interview, at the discretion of the visa officer.
Foreign tourists are not permitted to study, practice their profession or seek employment in the Philippines without appropriate clearance/Study Permit or Special Work Permit from the Philippine Bureau of Immigration. Foreigners who shall receive compensation from Philippine sources after having been admitted to the Philippines under a category 9(a) temporary visit visa need to coordinate with their Philippine office counterpart for the issuance of a Special Work Permit (SWP) as may be deemed necessary by the Philippine Bureau of Immigration.
For pre-evaluation purposes, email the accomplished visa application form, including all requirements in one (1) pdf file, to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with email subject: FULL NAME_Visa-Pre-Evaluation (e.g. YUKI Sato _Visa Pre-Evaluation).
- Non-Immigrant Visa Requirements for Foreigners in Transit / 9(B)
Basic Requirements
- Original passport and photocopy of its data page. The passport must be valid for at least six (6) months beyond the intended period of stay in the Philippines;
- Duly accomplished non-immigrant visa application form with visa applicant’s signature;
- Passport-size color photograph of the visa applicant, taken within the last 3 months, pasted in the designated box in the application form;
- Undertaking for Visa Applicant: Undertaking for Visa Applicant Form
- Self-addressed ¥600 Letterpack
Foreign travelers originating from one country coming to the Philippines as a transit point for another final destination country may avail of a transit visa upon presentation of the basic requirements together with the following:
- Confirmed onward ticket showing flight details of travel from country of origin to destination country via the Philippines;
Note: Transit period is limited to 72 hours.
- Non-Immigrant Visa Requirements for Seaman or Crew list Visa / 9(C)
For Individual Seaman
Basic Requirements
- Original passport and photocopy of its data page. The passport must be valid for at least six (6) months beyond the intended period of stay in the Philippines;
- Duly accomplished non-immigrant visa application form with visa applicant’s signature;
- Passport-size color photograph of the visa applicant, taken within the last 3 months, pasted in the designated box in the application form;
- Undertaking for Visa Applicant: Undertaking for Visa Applicant Form
- Self-addressed ¥600 Letterpack
In addition to the basic requirements listed above, the following additional documents shall be presented:
- Seaman’s book and photocopy of its data page;
- Certification letter from Japan-based shipping company deploying the foreign seaman, naming the vessel which the seaman will board, where it is docked, and the designation/assignment of the seaman aboard the vessel, duly notarized by a Japanese notary public.
- Endorsement letter from Philippine-based charterer/agent acknowledging the incoming seaman’s assignment aboard the vessel, duly notarized by a Philippine notary public.
For Crew list
- Duly accomplished crew list visa application form (available from the Visa Unit), in triplicate.
- Certification letter from Japan-based shipping company deploying the vessel and its crew, naming the ship’s master/captain, and endorsing the purpose of the voyage and its intended schedule, duly notarized by a Japanese notary public.
- Triplicate copies of vessel Captain/Master’s seaman’s book and passport data page, showing personal details and signature.
- Triplicate copies of the seaman’s book / passport data page of crew members.
Note: Visa applicants who cannot appear in person for the submission of their application must have the visa application form notarized by a Japanese notary public before it can be accepted by the Visa Unit. They may still be required to appear for interview, at the discretion of the visa officer.
The visa application form signed by the individual seaman or ship captain (as applicable), and the Certification Letter from the Japan-based ship company described above can be notarized together.
- Non-Immigrant Visa Requirements for Foreign Government Officials / 9(E)
An accredited official of a foreign government recognized by the Philippines, who is a citizen of the country whose government he represents, proceeding to the Philippines on official business for his/her government, needs to submit the following:
Basic Requirements
- Original passport and photocopy of its data page. The passport must be valid for at least six (6) months beyond the intended period of stay in the Philippines;
- Duly accomplished non-immigrant visa application form with visa applicant’s signature;
- Passport-size color photograph of the visa applicant, taken within the last 3 months, pasted in the designated box in the application form;
- Self-addressed ¥600 Letterpack
Additional document, as applicable:
Status | Document |
For Government of Japan Officials and personnel of Japanese Government Institutions with special status as an International Organization/Agency: | 1. Diplomatic Note* issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) of Japan |
For accredited diplomats/officials of other foreign governments stationed in Japan: | 1. Diplomatic Note* issued by the corresponding Foreign Mission/Embassy in Japan, endorsing the official’s trip to the Philippines. |
For officials of specialized agencies and other international organizations: |
1. Diplomatic Note* from the sending international organization. 2. Original Letter of Acceptance signed by an official of the international organization with resident representative office in the Philippines receiving the foreign government official. |
*The Diplomatic Note should indicate the position of the official, nature of the trip, the intended date of travel, and period of stay as applicable.
- Official written notification of the impending assignment of the FGO, via a diplomatic Note at least thirty (30) days in advance of expected travel to the Philippines. The Note should state the particulars of the visa applicant:
- his/her official designation in the mission/consular office in the Philippines;
- his/her expected departure date from the country of origin;
- expected duration of assignment in the Philippines; and
- the complete name and designation of the official he/she is coming to replace (or if he/she is an additional official being deployed in the Sending State’s mission/consular office in the Philippines).
- In the case of qualified dependents: that the visa applicant is travelling to the Philippines to join and live with the principal for the duration of the principal’s assignment.
- Duly filled-out application form (with photograph).
- Clear photocopy of the visa applicant’s diplomatic/service/official passport.
- Supporting documents to establish family ties, marital union, employee-employer relations, etc. as may be deemed necessary, in order to properly ascertain appropriate visa type per existing rules and regulations.
NOTE : Appropriate 9E visas can only be issued to arriving FGOs, qualified dependents and members of the official’s household only after the receipt of appropriate authority from the Department of Foreign Affairs in Manila.
A representative of the foreign government official (other than a duly registered travel agency) may submit the visa application documents at the visa processing window, upon presentation of a duly-signed letter of authority.
- Non-Immigrant Visa Requirements for Long-term Regular Academic Programs / 9(F)
Student Visa Applicants must be a foreign national who is at least eighteen years of age who seek to enter the Philippines temporarily and solely for the purpose of taking up a course of study higher than high school at a university, seminary, academy, college or school, permitted by the Commissioner of Immigration to accept foreign students.
Prior approval from the Department of Foreign Affairs is required prior to issuance of a visa under this category.
Basic Requirements
- Original passport and photocopy of its data page. The passport must be valid for at least six (6) months beyond the intended period of stay in the Philippines;
- Duly accomplished non-immigrant visa application form with visa applicant’s signature;
- Passport-size color photograph of the visa applicant, taken within the last 3 months, pasted in the designated box in the application form;
- Undertaking for Visa Applicant: Undertaking for Visa Applicant Form
- Self-addressed ¥600 Letterpack
In addition to the above listed basic requirements, the following documents are to be presented:
- Original and photocopy of the accepting Philippine school’s Notice of Admission (NOA).
- Original and photocopy of the Certificate of Admission and Eligibility (CAE) issued by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED, if enrolled in courses/programs where restrictions exist due to shortage of facilities (i.e. medicine, dentistry).
- Police clearance issued by the Japanese police authorities. Must bear Apostille certification.
- Original and copy of medical health certificate (FA Form No. 11 ) accomplished by a General Practitioner. The medical certificate must also include the x-ray results with CD, laboratory reports, etc. The certificate will be acceptable within six (6) months from the date the examination was conducted. Must bear Apostille certification.
The student applicant must directly apply for admission to his/her Philippine educational institution of interest. The accepting Philippine school shall forward the application package to the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) for approval. Once approved, the application package shall be endorsed by CHED to the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA). The DFA will inform the Philippine Embassy for issuance of the student visa. The Philippine Embassy shall then notify the student accordingly.
The Philippine Embassy does not endorse applications for admission to any school in the Philippines.
Please refer to the admitting school authorities for specific details of their foreign student admission programs.
Note: Visa applicants who cannot appear in person for the submission of their application must have the visa application form notarized by a Japanese notary public before it can be accepted by the Visa Unit. They may still be required to appear for interview, at the discretion of the visa officer.
- Non-Immigrant Visa Requirements for Pre-Arranged Employment / 9(G)
Aliens proceeding to the Philippines to engage in any lawful occupation be it for wages or salary, or other forms of compensation where bona fide employer-employee relations exist fall under this category of entry visa.Applicants may range from various professions, inclusive of medical practitioners, nurses, professors, technical experts, scientists and other skilled professionals for banking, commercial, industrial, agricultural, business, and similar enterprises.Prior approval from the Department of Foreign Affairs is required prior to issuance of a visa under this category.
- The employing corporation in the Philippines shall file the application for a pre-arranged employment visa under category 9(G) of the Philippine Immigration Act, and submit the necessary documents to the Philippine Bureau of Immigration (B.I.).
- After assessment and evaluation of the submitted documents, approved applications are communicated by the B.I. to the Department of Foreign Affairs, Manila.
- The Department of Foreign Affairs gives authority to the corresponding Philippine Embassy for the issuance of a 9(G) visa abroad.
- The foreign applicant reports to the Visa Unit of the Philippine Embassy in Japan’s Consular Section, for the filing of his/her visa application.
- The foreigner issued a 9(G) visa by the Philippine Embassy in Tokyo shall register with the Philippine Bureau of Immigration for the issuance of appropriate certificates/alien registration card, within seven (7) days upon arrival in the Philippines.
Visa Unit Requirements for the issuance of a 9(G) visa to an applicant in Japan:
- Original passport and photocopy of its data page. The passport must be valid for at least six (6) months beyond the intended period of stay in the Philippines;
- Duly accomplished non-immigrant visa application form with visa applicant’s signature;
- Passport-size color photograph of the visa applicant, taken within the last 3 months, pasted in the designated box in the application form;
- Letter of Endorsement from the accepting/employing company or organization based in the Philippines, duly notarized by a Philippine notary public.
- Police clearance issued by the Japanese police authorities. Must bear Apostille certification.
- Original and copy of medical health certificate (FA Form No. 11) accomplished by a General Practitioner in Japan. The medical certificate must also include the x-ray results with CD, laboratory reports, etc. The certificate will be acceptable within six (6) months from the date the examination was conducted. Must bear Apostille certification.
- Undertaking for Visa Applicant: Undertaking for Visa Applicant Form
- Self-addressed ¥600 Letterpack
Additional documents may be required if and when deemed necessary by the visa officer.
Written authority from DFA Manila must first be received by the Embassy before issuance of a visa under this category can be made.
Note: Visa applicants who cannot appear in person for the submission of their application must have the visa application form notarized by a Japanese notary public before it can be accepted by the Visa Unit. They may still be required to appear for interview, at the discretion of the visa officer.
- Special Non-Immigrant Visa Requirements / 47(a) (2)
A special non-immigrant visa is issued to qualified foreigners coming to the Philippines as professors, scholars, trainees, fellows, students, technical personnel, volunteers, and other participants of certain entities and programs under the auspices of particular institutions, agencies, foundations, and corporations recognized by the Philippines.
Prior approval from the Department of Foreign Affairs is required for Philippine National Volunteer Service Coordinating Agency (PNVSCA), RA 5186, PD1034, PD218 and EO226 applicants.
Basic Requirements
- Original passport and photocopy of its data page. The passport must be valid for at least six (6) months beyond the intended period of stay in the Philippines;
- Duly accomplished non-immigrant visa application form with visa applicant’s signature;
- Passport-size color photograph of the visa applicant, taken within the last 3 months, pasted in the designated box in the application form;
- Undertaking for Visa Applicant: Undertaking for Visa Applicant Form
- Self-addressed ¥600 Letterpack
In addition to the basic requirements listed above, the following additional documents shall be presented:
- Police clearance issued by the Japanese police authorities. Must bear Apostille certification.
- Original and copy of medical health certificate (FA Form No. 11) accomplished by a General Practitioner, if contemplated period of stay in the Philippines exceeds one (1) year. The medical certificate must also include the x-ray results in CD, laboratory reports, etc. The certificate will be acceptable within six (6) months from the date the examination was conducted. Must bear Apostille certification.
- Letter of Endorsement for visa application, as applicable:
Category | Document |
For applicants under the auspices of the Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA): | a. Original Letter of Endorsement from the PEZA Director General/ Chairman of the Board; |
For applicants accredited with the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV)*: | a. Original Letter of Endorsement from JOCV *Written authority from the DFA is required prior to visa issuance. |
For all other applicants: | a. Original Letter of Endorsement from sending or participating institution to which the applicant belongs. |
- Additional documents may be required if and when deemed necessary by the visa officer.
- Written authority from DFA Manila must first be received by the Embassy before issuance of a visa under this category can be made.
Note: Visa applicants who cannot appear in person for the submission of their application must have the visa application form notarized by a Japanese notary public before it can be accepted by the Visa Unit. They may still be required to appear for interview, at the discretion of the visa officer.