Standard Procedure For Visa Applications

Foreign travelers who need entry visas to travel to the Philippines should file their applications at least two weeks before their intended departure from Japan.

Completing the Application Form

Visa application forms are to be fully and legibly completed by the applicant in English, and his/her signature (and seal/inkan/hanko, if one is available) must be affixed in the form where required. Only properly filled-out visa applications with complete supporting documents will be accepted.

  1. For non-immigrant visa applications (Temporary visitor’s visa), accomplish Form F.A. No. 2:
    Non-Immigrant Visa Application Form
  2. For non-quota immigrant applications, accomplish FA Form No. 3:
    Immigration Visa Application Form

For pre-evaluation purposes, email the accomplished visa application form, including all requirements in one (1) pdf file, to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with email subject: FULL NAME_Visa-Pre-Evaluation (e.g. YUKI Sato _Visa Pre-Evaluation).

Personal Appearance

As a general rule, visa applicants are required to appear in person at the Consular Section of the Philippine Embassy for interview, evaluation, and assessment of their visa applications. To secure an appointment for personal appearance, click here:

Visa applicants applying in-person through agents and/or representatives, must execute a Letter of Authority.

In addition to the visa requirements, visa applicants must also submit a self-addressed letterpack (¥600 Letterpack) which will be used to send their visas once processed.

Mail-In Application

Visa applicants who cannot appear in person for the submission of their application must have the visa application notarized by a Japanese notary public before it can be accepted by the Visa Unit. They may still be required to appear for interview at the discretion of the Visa Officer.

Procedure for Visa Application via Mailing

  1. For non-immigrant visa applicants, accomplish the non-immigrant visa application form (FA Form No. 2) with visa applicant’s signature
    All ENTRIES must be true and accurate
    • Details in forms must be type-written or hand written
    • The form must be printed in A4-sized paper
    • Non Immigrant Visa form link: Non-Immigrant Visa Application Form
  2. For pre-evaluation purposes, email the accomplished application form, including all requirements, in one (1) pdf file, to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., with email subject: FULL NAME_Visa-Pre-Evaluation (e.g. YUKI SATO_Visa Pre-Evaluation);
  3. Once your application has been pre-evaluated and cleared for mailing, have the visa application (FA Form No. 2) notarized by a Japanese Notary Public. There is no need for an Apostille Certification;
  4. Send these notarized FA Form No. 2 to the Embassy together with the other required documents including the original passport and a self-addressed ¥600 Letterpack, write name in romaji;

Philippine Embassy – Tokyo, Japan
5-15-5 Roppongi Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8537
(c/o Visa Unit)

  1. Send payment for each application through Genkin Kakitome (JP Post), write name in romaji:

Philippine Embassy – Tokyo, Japan
5-15-5 Roppongi Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8537
(c/o Visa Unit)

Refer to this link for the applicable visa fees: Schedule of Fees
 Regular Processing : 7 business days
 Expedite Processing : 5 business days (additional fee of JPY ¥1,500)
Note: Visa fees are non-refundable.

  1. For monitoring purposes, e-mail proof  of delivery and/or payment to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. under the following email subject:FULL NAME_Visa Application Payment (e.g., YUKI SATO_Visa Application Payment)
  2. Upon receipt of documents and payment, the visa will be processed and released through mail.


  • The application(s) with deficiencies may be returned to the applicant(s);
  • We do not accept applications by international mail;
  • The delivery address should be an address in Japan. We cannot process visa applications from abroad;
  • Visa applications by mail will also be released by mail;
  • Please indicate your email address and phone number where you can be reached as we may contact you to correct any deficiencies in the documents.

Minor Applicants

Visa applicants below eighteen (18) years of age at the time of the application may have their parent/legal guardian sign the application form and submit the pertinent supporting documents on their behalf. The minor applicant, not an infant in arms, may be required to appear and be interviewed by the visa officer, along with the parent/legal guardian.


Foreign minor children below fifteen years of age traveling to the Philippines unaccompanied by, or not joining a parent, will not be allowed entry to the Philippines unless a Waiver of Exclusion Ground (WEG) is issued by Philippine immigration authorities in favor of the minor child. Please see the corresponding details about the entry of foreign minors and the WEG in the appropriate subsection in this website.

Processing Period and Releasing

Single-entry Visas are normally ready for release after seven (7) working days from the date of acceptance and payment of applicable fees, except for visa applications requiring clearance and approval from Manila as determined by the visa officer, which needs a lead time of at least 10 working days (but averaging to 12 days).

All visas will be released by mail. Thus, all applicants, whether in-person or through mail-in application, must submit a self-addressed letterpack (JP Post 600) which will be used to send their visas once processed.

Processing Fees

Applicable fees are non-refundable and vary per category of visa being applied for, pursuant to existing bilateral and/or multilateral agreements between various countries and the Philippines, and in accordance with regulations of the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA).

Refer to this link for the applicable visa fees: Schedule of Fees
 Regular Processing : 7 business days
 Expedite Processing : 5 business days (additional fee of JPY ¥1,500) 


Additional Information from Other Documents

The visa officer may require additional supporting documents not listed herein, refuse a visa application, or deny its issuance as warranted in accordance with existing rules and regulations, consistent with Philippine law.


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